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When I try to install PatXML I get the message "Arial Unicode MS font is absent in the operating system".6 days ago Free Font Download: Arial Unicode MS TrueType Font Download Free Arial Unicode MS Font (23 MB) Arial Unicode MS Font Custom Preview Tool. Information about XML on the World Wide Web Consortium website.

This will make it easier for applicants to file the same application with any of these offices and for offices to exchange data. Four big patent offices - the EPO, JPO, USPTO and WIPO - have agreed to use a common (XML) standard for marking up applications and other patent documents. It is a system- and software-independent method of storing and marking up data. Word is not the only word-processing system, and Word will change. Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is now also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. The EPO has been using SGML for 23 years. XML is a simple but flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). XML stands for eXtensible Mark-up Language.